Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Tear. Drop. 6/30

Like pollen tickling the upper echelon elitist of the sinus cavity
These tears have been irritating the dry poverty lines beneath my eyes for far too long
Onlookers scream out “Just let them fall!!”
But they don’t understand

The sadness has become so volatile
That the swift movement of bitter tear racing from cheek to ground
Is enough to spark a sweet flame in this arid condition

Irrigation systems have long since been implemented
Rooted at the well of my heart
And race the course of my skin
Misappropriated affection led to the malfunction of said heart
Said heart was the root at the well
Said well ran dry
And now, not even in the presence of Hell itself can I burst into a sweat

Opinions of friend, foe, and those who “been there bee-fo’ “
Roll out expensive therapeutic Kentucky Blue grass across my barren landscape
Hoping that it will quickly stick and grow
Praying my dying foliage doesn't bring down their property value
And grow it does
But just as soon sliding across my mental
Like fresh white socks on dead hardened wood floors
It doesn’t stick

Its only an aberration of what they wish was the case when they looked at me
They want my sadness to be joy
My smile, original and authentic
But the smile is plaster
Lightweight materials filling a hole
A hole that can be pushed in with only the slightest bit of pressure
Revealing the ravaging of the lies that have long since eaten through the frame behind these walls

These tears
Faithfully proclaiming loyalty to a cold decrepit memory of a warm thriving existence
Are irritating the dry poverty lines beneath my eyes
Making their way to the bend of my nose
In search of freedom and a life outside of being trapped behind flooded lids

And so I wait
Anticipatory muscles in my face twitch and push the bitters tears to the edge of their cliff
Ready to jump
Ready to spark the sweet flame

And so I wait
Staring out at the crowd screaming “Just let them fall”

I wonder, which one of them will be the first to put out the fire...


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