Saturday, April 10, 2010

Perpetuation 9/30

They tied her down
fertilized her
pointed her in the general direction of the Sun’s arrival during his visits
and cut her

they cut her first at the limbs and said grow
and so like any good student, she grew
followed the instructions of the blind who were leading her
pushed her roots deep into the filth and dirt that was contaminating her fruit
and grew

sipped at the edge of the rivers that were feeding her so much poison
that her green leaves were stained with blue
and not like that blue in the sky
but that black blood blue
that sojourner tubman douglas blue
that star in the sky leading us back home blue
and she grew

and grew

and grew

‘til they chopped her down at the roots
and her fruit toppled to the Earth
smashing and cracking on the rocks
all that infected juice
nourishing the ground around her

listened while the others, tied down, mourned her loss,
listened to them quickly begin the songs of Zion
in thanks for her gracious support of their life
and she smiled, then thought twice
once to warn them not to partake of the plenty
twice to smooth over that twinge of hate that crept up from her hardened core
so she did the only decent thing to do

she took her final breaths and accepted her forced rest
laid out amongst scattered tainted leaves
making a swift escape thru death’s door
leaving in her wake, a cycle perpetuated


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